Take your POD to the next level with our line-up of POD add ons. We offer dome covers, the POD visor, the PZT kit and Ecomate™ Insulation as available extras to make the legendary POD even better. Have questions? Click HERE to contact us, we’re happy to help.
Industrial strength, vinyl dome cover. Made of the same material that’s used to cover steel carrying flat bed trailers, large outdoor vinyl banners, and boats. Available in a range of colors.
The material used to make POD is rated to last for decades, so why cover it? Even though the material used to make your POD will last longer than any added cover can, it doesn’t mean that acid rain, pollen, leaves, bird excrement, and other atmospheric matter won’t build up on your POD dome, making it dirty.
You can use a mop and warm water with mild soap to clean your POD once a year. Or just as you cover your classic car, BBQ, pool, etc., why not keep you observatory investment looking like new for many years?
An industrial strength vinyl dome cover creates a water/snow/ice/dirt/pollen/etc. shield. Plus it passively lowers internal POD temps in high temp locations. After a rain or snow/ice storm you can easily remove the cover to expose your dry dome that’s ready to go.
The cover blocks Infrared and Ultraviolet waves, protecting the dome from the harsh sun, and cooling it at the same time in hot sunny locations. It’s designed in a “bucket hat” shape, so that it doesn’t block the ventilation gap between the POD dome and wall. This also allows more air to circulate beneath the cover.
The cover is medium weight (20 lbs.), and quick and easy to use. You add 6, 5″ X 3/8″ eye bolts, and 6, 15″ bungee cords. Simple instructions are included.
Comes in your choice of White, Light Gray, Medium Green, and Tan. Rated to last 7-10 years. 1 Year Warranty.
Ships 2-3 weeks after ordering. Shipping included in price.
Wayne, You’re the Man!!! If someone had told me last week that you could have made an improvement to the POD that would stir up this much excitement, I would have found it hard to believe. You’ve taken the one point that some folks perceived as a negative and turned it into a positive. Nobody can complain about the zenith problem ever again… Great job, Wayne and Group. – John
For those who want easier zenith access with some scopes we have developed the PZT kit. The kit includes all the hardware needed to transform your POD into a slide-off dome. How about slewing through zenith from horizon to horizon, and not having to move the dome all night? The PZT needs no motors, no chains, no need to interface the dome and scope. No problems. Way more time for imaging. Longer duration images.
The PZT sits flush with the bottom of the primary dome flange and the outside Wall/Bays. Whenever you want, simply and easily slide the entire open dome onto the PZT. POD Meets Roll Off. The Best of Both Worlds!
Replacing the dome bracket screws with Quick Release Brackets means the brackets come off easily by hand, no tools needed. QRBs are included in the PZT Hardware Kit.
The PZT is 30″ deep, meaning with or without any mount offset, you get a full and clear view way past zenith. In any scope type. From Horizon to Horizon!
You can also move the dome around on the PZT, or secure it to the table. Polyethylene is almost “self lubricating”. This means it slides great on finished plywood. The POD chamfered, double walled flange, makes it slide easier than trying to plane into the wood like a single wall dome might.
PZT is made from stackable pieces.
It may sound radical to some, but those of us with roll offs are used to rolling off our roof. In that case, a long way, and a much greater weight. By easily sliding your POD dome back a couple of feet, you have way past zenith and still get lots of wind protection with the dome slid off in the direction of the prevailing wind. Kind of like a motorcycle windshield. You may have to use your scope dew heater a little more, but your equipment will be fine in the Bays, or inside the wall. It’s a small trade off for the views that are available.
Using the PZT you have all the advantages of the innovative POD dome design for regular observing and photographing, PLUS the ability to image for hours through zenith, with about 30 seconds of preparation and little effort. The table can be used from time to time when you want to focus on targets which slew through zenith, or, seasonally, rarely, or nightly.
CLICK HERE to go to the PZT product page.